Discharge, USA, Indian Scouts, Running Hawk, 1877; At Camp Robinson, Nebr, Written as "Running Heart", 8265-2

This file appears in: Fort Robinson
Discharge, USA, Indian Scouts, Running Hawk, 1877; At Camp Robinson, Nebr, Written as "Running Heart", 8265-2

The name on the discharge is Running Heart. The man's name was actually Running Hawk.

Military discharge for "Running Heart" dated March 11, 1877. Headed by the U.S. eagle emblem and caption "To all whom it may Concern." In a mix of printed and handwritten text the discharge reads:

"Know Ye, That Running Heart (Sioux) a Corporal of Lieut. W.P. Clarke Company D of Indian Scouts Volunteers, who was enlisted the Twelfth day of December one thousand eight hundred and seventy six to serve 3 months, is hereby discharged from the service of the United States this Eleventh day of March, 1877, at Camp Robinson Neb. by reason of expiration of term of service. (No objection to his being re-enlisted is known to exist.)
Said Running Heart was born in -- in the State of Nebraska, is -- years of age - feet - inches high, dark complexion, black eyes, black hair, and by occupation, when enrolled an Indian.
Given at Camp Robinson Neb. this Eleventh day of March 1877."

Signed by the Lt. W.P. Clarke, 2nd Cavalry, commander of the scouts. On the reverse a printed section headed "Oath of Identity" fills the proper left third of the page. No information is written in the blanks of the form.

This file appears in: Fort Robinson