In January 1944 German prisoners of war from the Indianola camp came to a side camp here to help area farmers complete the 1943 corn harvest. Over the next two years the Palisade camp was activated and deactivated as needed to supply labor to…

In the spring of 1859 William H. Russell and John S. Jones established The Leavenworth and Pike's Peak Express to carry passengers and freight from the Missouri River to the Colorado gold fields. The route crossed northern Kansas, detouring…

In June of 1892 a Methodist Protestant congregation was organized in Logan Township, Hitchcock County, by the Rev. M.H. Noe. When the congregation outgrew its sod church, this stone structure was built on this site on land donated by Rebecca Hart.…

Culbertson was the county seat of Hitchcock County for twenty years, and this marks the site of the first courthouse, used 1886-1893. Founded as a trading post in July 1873 by W. Z. Taylor, it became the county seat when Hitchcock County was…

The adjacent stone monument erected in 1930 was first placed about a mile south of this area. Originally on the highway overlooking the canyon, it was moved to this location after the highway was relocated. Massacre Canyon is the large canyon…