Markers tagged "Nuckolls County": 4
Original Townsite of Oak
The original townsite of Oak grew up around a gristmill constructed here in 1882. By 1883 the village had a druggist, physician, blacksmith, and milliner. Oak was platted in April 1884. In 1888 all businesses but the mill moved two miles west to theā¦
Skirmish at Spring Creek
From April through October 1870 Company C of the second U.S. Cavalry garrisoned a temporary military post, Camp Bingham, located northeast of here on the Little Blue River, to protect nearby settlements from Indians.
On May 15 Sergeant Patrick…
Indian Captives
Sixteen-year-old Laura Roper, Mrs. Lucinda Eubanks, and children, Isabelle 3, and William 6 months, were captured by Indians at "The Narrows," Little Blue River, on Aug. 7, 1864. Laura and Isabelle were released to the Army at Hackberry…
1864 Indian Raids
During the Civil War many regular troops were withdrawn from Plains military posts to fight in the east. The Sioux, Cheyenne and Arapaho, seizing this opportunity, attempted to drive white settlers from their land.
Beginning on August 7, 1864,…