All Tours: 7
Path to Statehood: 1803-1867
81 Locations ~ Curated by The Explore Nebraska History TeamSpanning from 1803 to 1867, the area that would become Nebraska changed significantly during this time. The territorial era encompasses the slow progression of exploration and settlement that eventually culminated in the granting of statehood in…
Lewis & Clark Expedition: 1804-1806
12 Locations ~ Curated by The Explore Nebraska History TeamBeginnings
Thomas Jefferson became the third president in 1801. He had longed dreamed of expanding the nation westward as a means of providing land for farmers. In 1803, he commissioned his friend and protégé, Captain Meriwether Lewis, to explore…
Western Trails
50 Locations ~ Curated by The Explore Nebraska History TeamNebraska has long been a natural corridor for transportation thanks to the Platte Valley. Follow along the many trails that have criss-crossed this state, and learn more about the hopes and hardships of these travelers.
Native Americans in Nebraska
37 Locations ~ Curated by The Explore Nebraska History TeamLearn more about Native Americans in Nebraska by following the thousands of years of their history covered by these markers.
Conflicts & the Military on the Plains
68 Locations ~ Curated by The Explore Nebraska History TeamFrom the 1720 battle between the Spanish and Native Americans to the Cold War missile silos of the recent past, this tour takes you to a variety of battlefields and military fortifications across Nebraska.
The Beef State
24 Locations ~ Curated by The Explore Nebraska History TeamThe cattle industry has been vital to Nebraska by providing immensely to the states economy and culture. Nebraska is even known as the "beef state." This tour covers the cattle drive era, open range era, beginning of ranching in Nebraska, and the…